Accreditation Program

For the propagation of quality music education across the globe, AIMA has recognized the need for training Institutions with the same goals and objectives to promote the cause. With this in mind, AIMA’s Board has decided to have collaborations with selected Institutions that would operate as accredited institutes of AIMA. These Institutions would be accredited for the Courses and Certifications they offer.

The benefits

  • As an AIMA Accredited Institution, besides periodic accreditation review that includes regular audits of processes and public notice of accredited institutional membership the member Institute can avail the following benefits:
  • You gain access to use the AIMA Accreditation Seal in all your print and electronic media.
  • You will be mentioned in AIMA’s list of accredited Institutions and gain visibility and promotion on all AIMA platforms.
  • Receive guidance and support in reviewing, evaluating and restructuring curriculum and setting curriculum delivery processes.
  • Receive guidance to set up faculty recruitment and training processes.
  • Benchmarking your processes, content and delivery effectiveness against global standards.
  • Opportunity to partner and avail concessions on selective Workshops/Courses and Masterclasses of AIMA.


The Applicant for accreditation may be
  • Any Private Educational/Training Institutes 
  • Schools or Colleges
  • Private Artists/Musicians
  • The Head of the Institution must have credible experience in the field of Music or Music education.
The Institution should have a standing of at least 6 months when applying for Accreditation and should have a strength of at least 30 students. Newly formed Institutions should achieve a strength of at least 30 students within 6 months of inception. The institution must offer at least one Indian Classical art form and strictly adhere to imparting only Indian Classical, Folk or Contemporary art forms.